Visit to Putrajaya....
26th December 2007 , Leonard, Lai tee, Ann and myself decided to cycle around in putrajaya. Spent almost 1 hour in the morning checking up on 3 of Laitee's bike, which one of it 'bleeds' karat water :( itulah must take care of bicycle !!!. After pumping air into the tyres and test ride all of it, off we go !!... yay! my bike!
Before the ride
This smacking fellow actually bang on that 'Beware' sign....adui
yeah...i know...i closed my eyes....:x
Under 1 of the bridge in Putrajaya, too many there, forgot the name
Ann actually cycled 15KM!!!!(and alil of pushing the bike hee hee), its a great accomplisment for someone who's riding 1st time...but she fell sick after she went home lol. That Laitee another superwoman, riding her bike while taking pictures with her digicam, good thing she didn't fly into any ravine or longkang.Thats all i guess.....
Photos by Laitee....
HAhah...i dunno wat happen...but the 1st thing dat comes to my mind is The Spanish Inquisition.... =.= weirdness
January 10, 2008 at 11:40 PM
wow...spanish inquisition as in...the thing that was imposed in spain that is related to catholics???
how does my blog relates to that lol??
January 11, 2008 at 1:33 AM
waa... the guy next to you very leng chye la, on the pic when you were closing your eyes...
January 11, 2008 at 12:47 PM
he's single, wanna know him???gotta go through me whats for dinner? hmm japanese buffet? korean bbq? fine dining....???
January 11, 2008 at 2:54 PM