Janda Baik ke Buruk?

I asked Darren to bring me to Janda Baik since he said its ONLY ABOUT 7 km from genting sempah... So i thought 7km few small hills no prob la. So we climbed up Sempah from Hospital Orang Asli as usual, my previous climb took me bout 1h 3mins++ which is quite slow, wanting to break that and get a sub 1hour time, but faillllllleeddd....1h 3 min+ again.

From Sempah down all the way to Janda Baik, the scenery was quite nice, looking over the hillside with vegetables plantation was really calming and makes me feel real good. However the way back was abit tough, ESPECIALLY the climb back to sempah from MCD......ahhhhh every push and pulling of the pedals, felt like my muscles koyakking........thanks be to Darren, if not, i would have walked my bike up.

Darren's butt

5 Responses Subscribe to comments

  1. gravatar

    ooo... hot tights... purr...

    May 13, 2008 at 6:29 AM

  2. gravatar

    WEI WEI!!!!!

    U curi take my butt foto.......

    See, now Ms Debbi licking her lips now.....

    Next time lanyak u baru tau.....

    May 13, 2008 at 11:03 PM

  3. gravatar

    what's lanyak?


    May 17, 2008 at 8:40 PM

  4. gravatar

    Debbi : Lanyak means press him till flat flat like tosai

    and stop purring at me........i aint a scratch post or a ball of yarn

    just a skinny set of bones......

    with attitude.....hahahaha

    May 18, 2008 at 12:14 AM

  5. gravatar

    i think she's talking bout my tights....hehehe

    May 19, 2008 at 1:54 PM